Thursday, August 28, 2008


Biden just announced that the crowd will be hearing from some common folks who had not been previously heard from. This could be a brilliant move on their part. Except it appears that non of the major news networks will be showing those speeches. Instead, they are choosing to give us excerpts of Obama's upcoming speech. I don't want to hear Chris Matthews or either Hanity or Combs speaking Barack's words before he says them.

DNC Surprises

Joh Biden just surprised the Invesco Field crowd. He said he wanted to be on the field with some old Denver Bronco football player - who it appeared that no one recognized the name.


The media has started to compare Obama to JFK. Carl Berstien (who is looking very old) just said that the DNC will go down as one of the greatest modern conventions.

Al Gore

Al Gore just finished his speech - Thank goodness! I'm sorry, but as a student of the great oratories, Gore is not. This made it hard to watch and listen to the speech.

Team Obama is Breathing Now!

Now that Bill Clinton has given his speech, Team Obama is now breathing. I believe that even though his speech was printed and distributed, there was some doubt that the former President would give it as written.

Most people I heard speaking indicated that it was Clinton's S.O.P not to follow all of his written text and ad lib. His staffer always hated 'clarifying' his ad libs.

The media was hoping he would not follow the text, as it would make great ratings. Team Obama was hoping he would follow it and them some.

I think Team Obama got more than they expected. Bill, in his most sincere tone, conceded the election and agreed and tried to inspire the delegates to vote for Barack.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Barack Comes on Stage

Barack does much better with a teleprompter. He tends not to make the fundamental speaking errors when he is not speaking from the hip.

I am betting that his kind words about the Clintons will be the last he will make.

Joe Biden Accepts the VP Nomination

I was impressed with Delaware Attorney General and son of Joe Biden, Baeu Biden. I gave a very moving introduction to his father.

I again was surprised most of the major networks had their talking heads on instead of the veteran's tribute video put together by Steven Spielberg.

Bill Speaks

Former President Bill Clinton is addressing the DNC in Denver. I missed the beginning because I thought he was scheduled to speak in the 10 PM EST hour. This time slot means that the three 'traditional' networks will not be carrying his speech. I wonder if this was Team Obama's plan?

Racially Insensitive or Color Blind?

In Denver, the Democratic Party just nominated Senator Barack Obama for the office of President of the United States of America. All of the commentators are discussing how historically monumental the selection of Barack Obama is.

I believe that any person who is worthy of their parties nomination to the highest office in the free world is in itself historically monumental. I have honestly not thought about the significance of Barack Obama's nomination for President as an African-American.

Then tonight, as all of the news commentators, have been discussing this issue; I wondered, Am I missing something? Was I just oblivious to the Senator's ethnic background? Or was I, as a white male, completely insensitive to the significance of Obama's nomination?

What I've come to realize, as I have thought deeply about this, is that for me Obama's ethnicity was an irrelevant fact to me. I did not see him as the "black" candidate for president. Nor did I see Hillary Clinton as a 'women' seeking that office.

I saw Senator Obama as the Junior Senator from Illinois, who as Clinton has said, gave a dynamic speech. I have always been a follower of great orators. I thought that Jesse Jackson gave one of the best speeches I have ever heard at 1988 Convention. Former U.S. Congressman Guy VanderJagt amazed me with his ability to, from memory, introduce almost everyone in the room is which he was speaking.

I see Obama as a man, who is not much older than I - which is in of it's self a topic for another blog - who through hard work, perseverance is blessed to achieve a goal of a lifetime.

I attribute this to my grandparents who, at an early age, not just taught me, but showed me how to properly evaluate someone's character. Not looking at their clothes, what they do for a living, what level of education they've achieved, what their gender is, nor the color of their skin.

I hope that in 2008 that we, the people of the greatest country in the world, can embrace and celebrate all of the Presidential nominee's historically monumental status. After we do that, evaluate each one's platform and vote accordingly.

Hillary Clinton Gives Her Delegates to Obama

Hillary Clinton just READ a motion to select Barack Obama as the Democratic Presidential Candidate.

Having made formal motions in groups and wanting to make sure you get it right, I understand her reading the actual motion to "suspend the rules and vote blah blah blah"... what I don't get is why she needed to read the Unity statement. For me that action lacked an sincerity.

We'll see what Bill says later tonight.

Six Hours to Go!

There are six hours before the DNC starts their roll call votes.

I find it interesting that the speech that everyone is talking about is Bill Clinton's and not Joe Biden. I am guessing that the DNC would much rather have Biden's impending speech to be getting all of the media attention. Especially with his Candidate X and Y conversation Tuesday afternoon.

I keep hearing that "no one tells Bill Clinton what to say"... It makes me wonder that if Team Obama can't get their own last occupant of the White House to fall in line with the 'company message' what are the chances they would be able to keep a consistent message coming out of an Obama White House and Democtratic Congress? I think this shows a future challenge on a larger scale for an Obama White House.

The Tonight Show in Denver

Jay Leno of the tonight show sent Mo Rocca to Denver for the Democratic National Convention. Mo had been in Denver a year ago to check out what Denver was doing to get ready for the DNC. Check out the Hooters Girls You can also see the funny interview with John McCain.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I just checked out Hillary's website thinking it might be forwarded to Barack Obama's website. It sends you to her donation page for her New York Senate Campaign.

President Clinton

In his analysis of Hillary Clinton's speech, NBC's Brian Williams referred to Hillary as President Clinton...oops! Not quite as bad as Barack Obama saying he was in St. Louis when in fact he was in Kansas City.

Hillary's Speech

In all my years of watching the Conventions I have always felt that the Democrats have the best speakers. Hillary is giving a really good speech.

Did she forget that Bill signed the NAFTA legislation that sent a bunch of those sacred union jobs oversees?

Universal Health Care is going to be one of the top three issues of the campaign. It will be interesting to see if we will get details on all of the plans or just general overviews. Is there really 47 million people without health insurance?

The Twin Cities comment was very funny.

I think Hillary is giving the speech of her life. This is clearly better than her concession speech several months ago.

You never gave in and you never gave up!

It looks to me as if Bill has not seen the speech. He appears to be surprised by every one liner.

No Way. No How. No McCain!

That just become the battle cry of the DNC.

Hillary Takes the Stage

I was a little disappointed that Chelsea didn't speak a little bit more while introducing her mom.

I like the Hillary signs...I don't think I've seen that logo before. I am going to check to see if Hillary's website forwards to Obama's.

The networks never going to make their local news breaks.

Hillary just gave her first endorsement for Barack. Bill stood and clapped but not as enthusiastically as I am sure some would like.

Bill vs. Hillary

Hillary's speech is being touted as the 'Big Event' of the convention. I believe that the real sign of Party Unity will be Bill Clinton's speech tomorrow night. How will he bridge the gap that has been created between the Obama and Clinton camps. What, if anything, can he say to bring the party together?

Getting Ready for Hillary

I just switched to Brian Williams of NBC. Brian is getting input from three women on what they expect to hear from Sen. Clinton.

I am watching with my 11 year old son. Once he realized that Obama was just a little older than I am, he decided that he was too young to be president. I am interested in his comments about Hillary's speech.

The Dreams of the Future vs. the History of the Past

Mark Warner just quoted Thomas Jefferson using the above. I think you always need to dream the life you want, but you also need to respect and remember the past.

The State of VA

You shouldn't have to leave your hometown to find a world class job. That is a pretty good quote. Maybe Michigan should recruit Mark Warner to lead our State

Keynote Adress

I just flipped back to Fox and they are interviewing Rudy Giuliani. While I think he has valuable things to say, but with all of the hype of Gov. Warner, why are they not giving him air time?

Gov. Warner

Isn't all about what the future holds for us? Is that the ruler by which we measure any candidate who is desiring our vote?

Mark Warner's Key Note

Former Governor Mark Warner (D-VA) just took the stage to give the key note and FOX is taking a commercial break...what are they thinking.

FOX @ the DNC

It seems to me that FOX has more guests commentators, expert witnesses, if you will. I like the way we seem to get multiple view points. I think this enhances their coverage.


I have been clicking back and forth between Fox News and MSNBC. One thing that kind of surprises me is the number 'high ranking' democrats (not just the surrogates)who are taking the time to do interviews on Fox. They are engaging and add to Fox's coverage.

I like the approach and style of MSNBC's Olbermann.

2008 DNC

Last night we heard Michelle Obama. I think she almost did what she was supposed to do. She was engaging, intelligent and we got to know her better. I don't feel that she gave us that inside view into her husband. What are his quirks; how did he shoot the ball against her brother...something, anything to help me know Barack better.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

New Blog

I have, for a long time, been making comments about the lack of common sense our political leaders possess. So I thought that if I did a blog, someone else might hear what I have to say.

Some days I will discuss the Presidential campaign, some days I will make comments about the happenings in Lansing and finally there is a lot to discuss that happens in Grand Rapids and its surrounding areas.

I look forward to your comments back to me.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Michigan Primary

Tonight my son Drew, he's 11, and I are watching American Idol trying to see the election results - of the Republican Primary, not American Idol. The last six days has seen Romney, McCain and Huckabee almost need to file a residency income tax form.

One of my friends who lives in Virginia called this morning to "get a pulse" on what the political flavor was in Michigan. One of the things that we felt was going to make this Primary election so interesting was the fact that for the most part there is no Democratic Primary. This may affect the Republican results; with those who would normally vote for their favorite Democrat.

In every other election I have had a clear idea for whom I was going to vote; this one was not so clear for me. Michigan is in such a difficult position - people are hurting financially, jobs have not just disappeared in Michigan they have evaporated. United Van Lines shows that for every three people moving into
Michigan, there are eight families moving out...quite a exodus!

Most people would say that I am an optimist. I do have to say that even that I am getting to the point where it is getting hard to highlight the positive of the Michigan business environment. I know that Michigan will rebound. What I don't know is when we will recover. Our State is so dependent on the auto industry. Who is going to lead us in to the emerging businesses? What economic policies can be created to at least neutralize the people who are leaving the State?

This morning on the Today show, Newt Gingrich discussed what a the lack of governmental leadership Michigan was under. The result of this is such negative business environment in Michigan.

This is the third time in recent months that I have heard this. The first time was at a fairly intimate meeting with Congressman Vern Ehlers. Now you have to understand that Congressman Ehlers normally does not play partisan politics. I would say that he is a consensus builder and just a darn nice guy. At this meeting someone asked what he thought the problem in Michigan was? His response was that he thought that our Governor was incompetent.

Wow, my mind got lost in his comment. He went on and spoke, but I couldn't follow along. I felt that this was so out of character for Ehlers. I was actually dumbfounded that he made this comment.

But now after hearing these comments (from those who I would typically consider to be 'above' the partisan politicians) it makes me wonder if our State is truly hampered by the Executive and Legislative branches of our government.

What do you think?

Come back. We've got so much to talk about. Have a good night.