Tuesday, August 2, 2011

America the Strong

I started thinking today...One of the Blogs that I follow, written by Steve Harney at The KCM Crew, is entitled "When Did Americans Start Playing it Safe?"

I found Steve's quick thoughts very insightful.

Last night I sat at the Plainfield Township Board Meeting listening as they appointed a new Trustee to fill out the term of a one who resigned; voted to extend a moratorium on medical marijuana facilities and voted to buy a home that is adjacent to the Township Hall. As I was listening I was wondering how would I vote on these issues. Would I 'fall in line with the others'? Or would I break out and vote counter to the masses.

I think that these times call for a different review of issues than we have in the past. I agree with Steve Harney:

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Five CRAZY Ideas to Save Our Economy!!!

I wish I could take credit for coming up with this.  I have heard several of these ideas presented by different people, but this presentation is one of the best. j

Forgive me if I appear to be stating the obvious, but our free-market economy is based on a delicate balance of supply and demand.  Usually, with minor adjustments to the supply of money, we can maintain that delicate balance.  Not so in the past couple of years.  As the cost of gasoline, heating fuel, groceries, etc., has gone up, and wages and the jobs have diminished, the ability of consumers to BUY has gone down, right?  The "demand" side of our economic equation is grossly out of balance with our capacity to make things.  When there is no demand to buy the things we make, there is no need to pay people to make those things and massive jobs cuts happen. Sound familiar?


In order to fix our economy, we MUST create demand for goods and services. Americans need to start buying - houses, cars, appliances, computers, food, clothing, computers, etc.  But if they have no money, or are afraid of losing their jobs, or are hording their cash to weather this financial storm, they aren't buying, right?  How do you create incentive for them to BUY?


Crazy Idea #1 Give the Economic Stimulus Money to American Citizens to SPEND on Goods and Services.


At last count, the price tag on the economic stimulus plan was approaching $1 TRILLION.  If you took that $1 TRILLION dollars, divided it by every American citizen (roughly 250 million people), it would approximate $4,000 per citizen, right?  Put that amount on a debit card -- $4,000 per American citizen - and hand them out. 


A household of four receives a debit card with a $16,000 on it.  A household of three, $12,000.  Got the math?  Pretty simple so far, right?


The credit cannot be deposited into savings accounts or used to pay down on their mortgage.  The debit cards can only be used for a down payment on a house, to buy cars, appliances, pay for daycare, school tuition, school lunches, gas for their cars - they can be used only to BUY goods and services, and they are only good for 18 months.  If you don't spend the debit card within 18 months, it expires - you lose the money.


Can you imagine how many consumers would line up at car dealers to buy a new or used car?  Can you picture people pulling out their debit card to put a down payment on a home, whether it's their first, second, third, or an investment property?  The car dealers would run out of cars and call Detroit, saying, "Make more cars!" and Detroit would hire workers to make more cars, and they would call companies in Grand Rapids to order more parts to make the cars, and Grand Rapids companies would hire workers, and the taxes paid buy all of those workers would build roads and improve school lunches, and so on and so on ...


After all, it is OUR money they are talking about spending.  Shouldn't we have a say in what it buys?



Crazy Idea #2:  Increase Americans' Take-Home Pay.


The economic stimulus plan calls for income tax cuts for middle-income Americans from 25% to 15% of their gross wages.  Great idea.  It would noticeably, positively and immediately impact the bulk of American households. For example:  If your family income last year was $60,000, this tax cut will put $6,000 more in your pocket to spend this year.  Could you use an extra $500 a month in after-tax income?  If your family income was $100,000 last year, you will see an extra $800 a month in your take-home pay."


Can you imagine what would happen if everyone, not just middle-incomes, paid a 15% income tax over the next few years?  Do you think those folks making household incomes of $300,000 who would have $30,000 more disposable income wouldn't go out and BUY THINGS ... or invest in companies who hire workers?


If you begin to focus on real-dollar, disposable-income increases for the vast majority of Americans, you will begin to build hope in people.  Not false hope, but real hope and (consumer) confidence that they will be better able to feed their families, make their car payments, keep a roof over their heads and maybe even have a little money left over to go buy that new refrigerator.


Crazy Idea #3:  Eliminate the capital gains tax on all real estate purchases made during the next three years.  That's right; you NEVERpay capital gains tax on any real estate you purchase within the next three years, regardless of whether you buy land, rental houses, commercial property, second homes, anything.


It's simple. No government bailout, no throwing money at the problem. 


Can you imagine how many people with money invested in 401K's which have lost 30% of their value, or CD's that pay next to nothing, or savings accounts, would RUSH to buy distressed real estate?   Real estate agents' phones would ring off the hook with calls like this:  "I've only got a half a million left in my investments after AIG destroyed me.  I want to buy eight of those $40,000 foreclosure properties fix them up, and sell them (or rent them) and when I sell, I get to keep every nickel of profit. Let's go shopping!!!"


Will those investors do the work?  Of course not.  Most of them will call plumbers and electricians, furnace and air conditioning people, tile and carpet installers, window replacement companies, and so on and so on ...


Suddenly (within 12 months), the glut of homes forcing real estate values down would be absorbed by the private sector, not by the government, and the homes left on the market are those in marketable condition, not distressed condition and the trades people will have jobs fixing them up.


Crazy Idea #4:  Reinstate consumers' ability to write off interest paid on credit cards, auto loans and second homes.  Those interest write-offs were eliminated during an inflationary spiral to curb excessive spending.  We are in a recessionary plunge now; we need it reinstated.


Crazy Idea #5 Get rid of the "partisan politics."


Whether you support Democrats, Republicans or are independent, all of us will petition to eject our politicians from office if they don't put aside their partisanship and start working together to fix our economy.


This economic crisis is enormous. It will take ALL of us, rich and poor, conservative and liberal, black and white, to fix this. 


We must all start tugging on the same end of the rope.


Thursday, August 28, 2008


Biden just announced that the crowd will be hearing from some common folks who had not been previously heard from. This could be a brilliant move on their part. Except it appears that non of the major news networks will be showing those speeches. Instead, they are choosing to give us excerpts of Obama's upcoming speech. I don't want to hear Chris Matthews or either Hanity or Combs speaking Barack's words before he says them.

DNC Surprises

Joh Biden just surprised the Invesco Field crowd. He said he wanted to be on the field with some old Denver Bronco football player - who it appeared that no one recognized the name.


The media has started to compare Obama to JFK. Carl Berstien (who is looking very old) just said that the DNC will go down as one of the greatest modern conventions.

Al Gore

Al Gore just finished his speech - Thank goodness! I'm sorry, but as a student of the great oratories, Gore is not. This made it hard to watch and listen to the speech.

Team Obama is Breathing Now!

Now that Bill Clinton has given his speech, Team Obama is now breathing. I believe that even though his speech was printed and distributed, there was some doubt that the former President would give it as written.

Most people I heard speaking indicated that it was Clinton's S.O.P not to follow all of his written text and ad lib. His staffer always hated 'clarifying' his ad libs.

The media was hoping he would not follow the text, as it would make great ratings. Team Obama was hoping he would follow it and them some.

I think Team Obama got more than they expected. Bill, in his most sincere tone, conceded the election and agreed and tried to inspire the delegates to vote for Barack.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Barack Comes on Stage

Barack does much better with a teleprompter. He tends not to make the fundamental speaking errors when he is not speaking from the hip.

I am betting that his kind words about the Clintons will be the last he will make.

Joe Biden Accepts the VP Nomination

I was impressed with Delaware Attorney General and son of Joe Biden, Baeu Biden. I gave a very moving introduction to his father.

I again was surprised most of the major networks had their talking heads on instead of the veteran's tribute video put together by Steven Spielberg.

Bill Speaks

Former President Bill Clinton is addressing the DNC in Denver. I missed the beginning because I thought he was scheduled to speak in the 10 PM EST hour. This time slot means that the three 'traditional' networks will not be carrying his speech. I wonder if this was Team Obama's plan?